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鎴戞牎涓捐 绾 康寤哄厷94鍛ㄥ勾鏆ㄢ 滃垱鍏堜簤浼樷 濊 褰板骇璋堜細. 鎴戞牎涓捐 2015骞存牎绾т紭绉 鍏变骇鍏氬憳璇勯 夌瓟杈 細. 2015骞村 鐢熷厷鍛樺厛閿嬪伐绋嬫椿鍔ㄤ箣鈥滅編涓戒腑鍥芥 锛屾帶鐑熸垜鍏堣 鈥濆惎鍔? 鍖椾含甯傛暀宸ュ 鍒涘厛浜変紭宸ヤ綔绠 鎶ョ 165鏈焆涓 鍗 竴琛ㄤ竴鎵嬪唽 鎻愬崌. 鍖椾含宸ヤ笟鑱屼笟鎶 鏈 闄 厷寤哄拰鎬濇兂鏀挎不宸ヤ綔鐮旂 浼氱珷绋? 鍖椾含宸ヤ笟鑱屼笟鎶 鏈 闄 厷寤哄拰鎬濇兂鏀挎不宸ヤ綔鐮旂 璇鹃 绠 悊鍔炴硶. 浠婂勾璇曠偣鏁欏笀瀹氭湡娉ㄥ唽鑰冩牳 涓嶈 甯堝痉涓 绁ㄥ惁鍐? 绗 洓娆 叏鍥芥暀鑲插伐浣滀細璁 叧閿 瘝瑙h. Nbsp; 鐗堟潈鎵 鏈? Nbsp; 閭 紪锛? .
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A ferenji living in Addis and loving it. JSC Fellows Around the World. Addis is a place where begga.
To Lease or Not to Lease. To Lease or Not to Lease. On Search for the Saddle. To Lease or Not to Lease. On Search for the Saddle. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.
Thursday, April 24, 2014. Is funny how people react when they hear about Africa having anything to do with Mexico. Yes I said it Africa and Mexico. Whats even funnier is how some people get offended like how dear you put two and two together.